Peter Heck, Samuel Grouse and Israel Hiteshue, trus-
tees of the German Reformed Church at Taneytown,
Carroll county, dated the twelfth day of November,
eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and the title to the
land, improvements and appurtenances attached to and
known as the property of the German Reformed Church
at Taneytown, be and the same is hereby confirmed
and made valid as if the said grantees had been auth-
orised to hold said property, for the purposes declared
in said conveyance at the date thereof, and the said
grantees and their successors, as trustees for the purpo-
ses therein mentioned, and such other trustees as may
be elected by the members of said German Reformed
Church, are hereby authorised and empowered to have
and to hold the said property, to themselves and to their
successors, as such, for the purposes declared in said
deed or conveyance, and to assign and convey the
CHAP. 76.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors, in their capacity as such, are hereby
authorised and empowered to hold by gift, devise, be-
quest or purchase, any real estate, provided, the yearly
income arising from the same shall not exceed one thou-
sand dollars, with full power to sell and convey the same.
May hold real
An act to incorporate a company in the town of Hagers-
town, in Washington County, to be styled the Hagers-
town Lyceum.
WHEREAS, J. Dixon Roman, Jervis Spencer, Wil-
liam B. Clarke, Daniel Weisel, Joseph P. Mong, James
Wason, John T. Mason, Isaac Nesbitt, Alexander Neill,
Junior, George Schley, Peter Swartz Welder, George
W. Smith, William Stewart, and many others have
subscribed the sum of three thousand five hundred dol-
lars, in shares of five dollars each, towards a joint stock
fund, for the purpose of a lyceum in the town of Hagers-
town, in Washington county, and have applied to this
General Assembly for an act of incorporation.
Feb. 5, 1848.
SECTION I. Be it therefore enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the said J. Dixon Roman, Jer-
vis Spencer, William B. Clarke, Daniel Weisel, Joseph
P. Mong, James Wason, John Thomson Mason, Isaac