or, and shall be liable to presentment and indictment
by the grand jury of said county, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined a sum not less than fifty, nor more
than two hundred dollars and costs, the .said fines to be
paid over to the successors in office of said trustees, to
be by them applied to the use of the school fund of their
primary school district.
CHAP. 74.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all suits here
after to be brought against delinquent trustees, under the
provisions of the said act of December session, eighteen
hundred and forty-five, chapter one hundred and fifty-
four, shall stand for trial and judgment at the first term
Suits to stand
for trial at first
provided, process be served on the defendant at least ten
days before the beginning of the term, unless good
cause of continuance be shewn, and that the defendant
shall not be entitled to a stay of execution upon judg-
ment rendered in any such suit; provided however, that
he shall be entitled to supersede the same within sixty
days after its rendition, for six months, to be computed
from the date of the judgment, in the manner now pro-
vided by law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all such parts of
any acts of assembly now in force, so far as they are
inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
acts repealed.
An act to make valid certain proceedings of the trustees
of the New Jerusalem Church in Baltimore.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
by the petition of the trustees of the New Jerusalem
Church in Baltimore, that for the purpose of constitu-
ting a corporation in pursuance of the provisions of the
act of the General Assembly, passed at November ses-
sion, eighteen hundred, and two, chapter one hundred
and eleven, entitled, an act to incorporate certain per-
sons in every Christian church or congregation in this
State, the Christian society or congregation in the city
of Baltimore, known by the name of the New Jerusalem
Church did. in the year eighteen hundred and four, elect
trustees, and fix upon their plan, agreement or constitu-
tion which, duly acknowledged and recorded in the
office of the clerk of Baltimore county as required by
Feb. 11, 1848.