CHAP. 73.
Feb. 11, 1848.
An act supplemental to an act passed December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter two hundred
and forty-four, for the incorporation of Livingston
Number of
trustees reduc-
ed, and named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted b\j the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the number of trustees of Livingston Academy, in Bal-
timore county, shall consist of only five; which five
trustees shall be George W. McConkey, Edward Ri-
der, Lewis Roberts, Senior, Amos Matthews and Nathan
H. Ware, all of said county, and named in the original
law to which this is a supplement.
powers vested.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, The said five trustees,
and their successors, shall have all the corporate powers,
privileges and immunities granted in the original law to
which this is a supplement, and incur all the respon-
sibilities and liabilities under the said original act im-
posed for the government and management of said aca-
demy, or for any other purposes required by said ori-
ginal act.
Feb. 11, 1848.
An additional supplement to an act entitled, an act to pro-
vide for the public instruction of youths in primary
schools throughout this State, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter one
hundred and sixty-two, and its several supplements, so
far as it relates to Frederick county.
Trustees to
be guilty of
for neglect, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
each and every trustee of a primary school in Frederick
county, appointed or elected in virtue of the said act,
and its supplements, remaining in possession of any pri-
mary school funds, received in the manner expressed in
the first section of the act of the General Assembly of
December session, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and
forty-five, chapter one hundred and fifty-four, and ne-
glecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of said
first section of said act of December session, eighteen
hundred and forty-five, shall be guilty of a misdemean-