and visitors any seven members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of the business of said hospital, and
for making any bye-laws, rules or regulations lor the gov-
ernment of the same, and that any provisions of the
charter of said hospital, or of the supplements thereto,
which are inconsistent with this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed.
CHAP. 71.
A further supplement to the act entitled, an act for amend-
ing and reducing into system the laws and regulations
concerning last wills and testaments, the duties of exe-
cutors, administrators and guardians, and the rights of
orphans and other representatives of deceased persons.
Feb. 11, 1848.
WHEREAS, persons have died or may hereafter die,
leaving by last will and testament, personal property or
pecuniary bequests to a female or females, directing the
same to be paid to such female legatee, when she at-
tains to full, mature or to lawful age; and whereas, doubts
have been expressed whether said language may not be
interpreted to mean twenty-one years of age; and where-
as, the laws of this State makes the guardianship of fe-
males to cease at the age of eighteen years or marriage
— Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all cases whatsoever, where any per-
sonal property or pecuniary bequest hath or have been
made, or may hereafter be made, by any last will and
testament, to any female legatee, directing in said will
the said personal property or pecuniary bequest to be
paid to such female legatee on her attaining to full, ma-
ture or to lawful age, the said female legatee arriving at
the age of eighteen years, or being married, shall in
every such case be entitled to receive, demand and have
paid over to her such personal property or pecuniary
bequest, in as full and ample a manner as if the will had
used the words eighteen years of age, or marriage, in-
stead of the words full, mature or lawful age.
Age at which
females may
become pos-
sessed of pro-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall com-
mence and be in full force, from and immediately after
the date of its passage.
In force.