balance of pension that might have been due at the time
of her death.
No. 12.
Resolution in favor of Albert T. Emory, of Queen Anne's
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the committee on Claims be and they are hereby au-
thorised and directed to pay out of any monies in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Albert T. Emo-
ry, Deputy Attorney General of Queen Anne's county, a
reasonable compensation for the services which he ren-
dered to the State before the Orphan's Court of said
county, in certain cases arising upon the settlement of
the estate of Lemuel Purnell, late of said county, de-
ceased, in which several important principles were in-
volved, and from which the State realized a considera-
ble sum of money.
No. 13.
Jan. 27, 1848.
Resolution relative to the sale of old furniture in the
Government House.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
His Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby au-
thorised, if in his judgment it be expedient, to sell or
exchange the old furniture in the Government House,
and apply the proceeds arising therefrom to the pur-
chase of new.
No. 14.
Jan. 27, 1848.
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Beall.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Beall, or to her order,
such sum of money as may appear due to Mary Green-
tree at the time of her death.
Jan. 26, 1848.
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