No. 6.
Resolution in relation to certain repairs upon the Go-
vernment House.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer be and he is hereby authorised and direct-
ed to pay out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
sury to the Governor or his order, any sum not exceed-
ing three thousand dollars, to be applied by him so far
as he may deem necessary in repairs and for the pur-
chase of furniture for the Government House.
No. 7.
Jan. 12, 1849.
Resolution in relation to certain repairs of the room in
the occupancy of the Adjutant General,to be used for
the accommodation of the standing committees of the
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the room now in the occupancy of the Adjutant General of
Maryland be repaired by the removal of the shelves be-
low the gallery, and be painted as soon as practicable,
under the direction of the Adjutant General, and that he
cause furniture to be procured necessary for the accom-
modation of the standing committees of the Senate,
and the room when so prepared be placed under his
care and control.
No. 8.
Jan. 12, 1848..
Resolution authorising the Librarian of the State to sub-
scribe for one hundred and fifty copies of Norris,
Brown and Brune's Digest of the Decisions of the
Court of Appeals of Maryland.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian of the State, be and he is hereby author-
ised to subscribe in the name of the State of Maryland,
for one hundred and fifty copies of Norris, Brown and
Brune's Digest of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals
of Maryland; provided, that any three of the judges of the
Jan. 15, 1848.