Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the fifth section of the act entitled, an act to incor-
porate the Welling Academy of Howard District, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and forty-five,
Chapter three hundred and twenty-three, be and the
same is hereby repelled.
By whom the
costs of adver-
tising are to be
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and alter the passage of this act, whenever
any sheriff, constable or other ministerial officer of this
State shall hereafter by virtue of any legal process to
him or them directed, give notice by publication in any
newspaper or newspapers of the sale of any goods, chat-
tics, lands or tenements of any defendant or defendants
named in said process, it shall and may he lawful lor the
said sheriff, constable or other ministerial officer to col-
lect and receive the cost of said publication out of said
defendant or defendants as other legal costs are authoris-
ed to be collected and received, and in ease said costs
of advertising cannot be made out of said defendant or
defendants, then and in that case the plaintiff or plain-
tiffs in said process shall be liable to the said officer
who shall have paid the cost of the said advertising, the
same to be recovered by him in the manner that other
small debts are now collected.