cle round any one of said toll gates with the intention
to avoid the payment of tolls, and if any person shall
ride, lead or drive any horse or other animal round any
such gate to avoid payment of tolls due thereat, such
person if free shall forfeit and pay two dollars for every
such offence, and if a servant or slave, his or her master
or mistress shall forfeit and pay one dollar, to be re-
covered by said president and directors as other small
debts are recovered.
CHAP. 332.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the stockholders or proprietors of said corpo-
ration to transfer his or her share or shares of said stock,
in such form and manner as said president and directors
may prescribe.
Stock trans-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That in case any person
shall die intestate, holding any share or shares in said
corporation, the administrator or administrators of said
intestate shall hold the same interest in said shares that
the deceased himself held, and the same shall he esteem-
ed personal property, and be distributed and disposed
of as other personal property in this State.
to hold shares
of deceased.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That as soon as said
president and directors shall have finished said road for
any distance not less than three and a half miles, they
shall give notice thereof to the Governor of this State,
who shall thereupon appoint three skilfull persons to view
and examine the same, and report to him in writing whe-
ther said road is so far finished in a masterly manner ac-
cording to the true intent and meaning of this act, and
if their report shall be in the affirmative, then the Go-
ver shall by license under the seal of the State, permit
and authorise said president and directors to erect and
fix as many gates across the said road as will be requir-
ed to collect the tolls authorised by this act.
Governor to
appoint per-
sons to exam-
ine road when
finished, and
SEC. 17. And he it enacted, That if said company
shall not proceed to carry on said road within five years
from the passage of this act, and shall not complete one-
half the distance of said road in ten years from that date,
then it may be lawful lor this State to resume all the
rights, privileges and immunities hereby granted to said
If not com-
menced in five
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall he so construed as to authorise this corpora-
tion to issue any device, token, note, certificate or other
evidence of debt to be used as currency, and that the
right is hereby expressly reserved to the General As-
sembly of Maryland at its pleasure to alter or repeal this
act of incorporation.