rected by the tenth section of this act, and all appropria-
tions of land or materials for the construction of said
bridges shall be subject to the same restrictions specifi-
ed in the tenth section.
CHAP. 313.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said company
having perfected the said road or such parts thereof
from time to time as aforesaid, and the same being ex-
amained, approved and licensed in manner aforesaid, it
shall and may be lawful for them to appoint such and so
many toll gatherers as they shall think proper to collect
and receive of and from any person or persons using
said road the tolls and rate per mile according to the
length of the road as are charged and collected at the
toll gates of the Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike
Road, and to stop any person riding, leading or driving
any horses, mules, oxen, coaches, cart, wagon, wain or
sled, cattle, hogs, sheep, sulkey, chair, chaise, phaeton or
other carriage of pleasure or burden from passing
through the said gates until the toll for the said passage
Tolls regulat-
shall have been paid; provided, that no toll gate shall be
erected within one mile from the taxable limits of
Mechanicstown or any other town or village through
which said road may pass or within one quarter of a
mile therefrom.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the company here-
by incorporated shall have the power and remedy for
using the said road or refusal to pay toll or fraud prac-
ticed, as are given by the act incorporating the Balti-
more and Frederick Turnpike Company, and shall be
subject to the same proceedings and penalty in case
the said road is not kept in repair, as are provided in
the act incorporating the said Baltimore and Frederick
Turnpike Company.
To have same
rights, and be
subject to same
penalties as the
Baltimore and
Fred'k turn,
pike road.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of said company, shall keep a fair and just
account of all monies received by them from the said
commissioners and from the subscribers to the said un-
dertaking, an account of the several subscriptions, and
also all money expended by them in the prosecution
of their said work, and shall once at least in every year
submit such account to a general meeting of the stock-
holders, until the road shall be completed, and until all
the costs, charges and expenses of effecting the same
shall be fully paid and discharged, and the aggregate
amount of such expenses shall be liquidated and ascer-
tained, and if upon such liquidation, or when the capital
stock shall be expended it shall and may be lawful for
the president and managers and company to enlarge the
Managers to
exhibit annual