CHAP. 251.
and receive any fire wood brought to the said Clarksville
which hath not been corded, measured and passed by
the said corder and inspector aforesaid, shall forfeit and
pay two dollars for every cord, and so in proportion for
any less quantity of wood so sold and delivered by him
or them, to be recovered by warrant in the name of the
informer, one half for the use of the informer, and the
other half for the benefit of the schools of said county,
before a justice of the peace in the same manner as other
small debts are recovered under an act for the speedy re-
covery of small debts out of court; provided always, that in
case any person or persons may think him or themselves
aggrieved by the measurement of said inspector and
wood corder, he or they may appeal to the district court
for the eighth election district of said county, who shall
and they are hereby authorised to appoint two or more
disinterested persons to examine into the cause of com-
plaint, and it shall be the duty of said persons so ap-
pointed by the said district court to attend for that pur-
pose, and their decision shall be final.
Requisites for
a cord of wood.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all fire wood brought
by the rail road cars, or by wagons or carts to the afore-
said Clarksville, or within the bounds as prescribed in
the first section of this act for sale, shall be at least four
feet in length, including one half of the kerf, and shall
be set up, packed and corded under the direction of
the inspector and wood corder, and shall be measured,
and every cord of wood shall be eight feet in length,
four feet in breadth, and four feet in height, well stowed
and packed, and where the wood to be measured ex-
ceeds or falls short of four feet in length, including half
the kerf, the cord of wood shall be proportionably in-
creased or diminished so as to make the quantity of each
cord of wood as nearly equal as possible.
of act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the provisions of
this act shall not extend to or be construed to affect any
family of families residing within the bounds as pre-
scribed by the first section of this act, who may purchase
fire wood for their family use, unless by their consent.