CHAP. 219.
primary school district in which said Academy is situat-
ed would be entitled to in case there was organised and
in full operation a primary school therein; provided, that
the trustees of said academy shall furnish free of charge
the children of said primary school district with tuition
in the English department of said academy.
Trustees of
said academy
to assent to the
first section
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the trustees
of the Centreville Academy shall signify their accep-
tance of the provisions of the first section of this act by
giving public notice thereof, and of their readiness to
receive pupils on the terms therein prescribed, by adver-
tisement in some newspaper printed in Centreville and
otherwise as they may deem necessary, on or before the
first day of May next, and a copy of said advertisement,
certified by the president of the board of trustees and
lodged with the treasurer of the commissioners of the
school fund on or before the first day of June next, shall
be sufficient evidence of their acceptance of and com-
pliance with said section to entitle them to the benefit
Not to extend
to children of
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the provisions
of this act shall not he construed to extend to children
and wards of non-resident parents and guardians other
than apprentices, clerks or others bona fide residing in
said primary school district, and engaged in learning
some useful art or occupation.
To cease as
soon as a pri-
mary school is
put in opera-
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That whenever
the taxable inhabitants of said primary district shall,
agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided, organise a primary school
therein by the election of a board of trustees, the pur-
case, hire or erection of a school house, and the employ-
ment of a teacher or teachers, and the trustees so chosen
shall give notice thereof to the trustees of the Centreville
Academy, and of the time at which said primary school
shall be open for the reception of pupils, then and from
thenceforth this act and every matter and thing therein
contained shall cease and be utterly null and void.