CHAP. 211.
that the date duly executed and acknowledge, and that
the said Perry R. McNeille has been in the peaceable
and quiet possession of the said premises from the time
of said sale, and by virtue thereof to the present time
and further, that the said Thomas Sudler shortly after
said safe, under the execution aforesaid, and before the
said sale to Perry R. McNeille, departed this life with-
put having executed a deed of conveyance to the said
Aaron R.. Levering and Sons and James Corner and
Son, of all the right, title, interest and estate of the
said Andrew Bailey, of, in, to and out of the above men-
tioned tracts or parcels of land — Therefore,
Deed to be ac-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Joel Thomas, sheriff of Queen Anne's
county, be and he is hereby authorised and empowered
to make, execute and acknowledge, in due form of law,
to the said Perry R. McNeille, his heirs and assigns, a
deed of conveyance of all the right, tide, interest and
estate of the said Andrew Bailey, at the time of said
sale by Thomas Seller, of, in, to and out of the, said
tracts or panels of land, in the preamble of this act re-
ferred to and mentioned.
Rights vested.
SEC. 2. And Be it evaded. That all the right, title,
interest and estate of the said Andrew Bailey, and of
the said Aaron R. Levering and Sons and James Cor-
ner and Son, of, in, to and out of the said tracts or par-
cels of land mentioned and and referred to in the pream-
ble of this act shall, by the said deed of conveyance so to
be executed and acknowledged by the said Joel Thomas,
and the said deed of conveyance of the said Aaron R.
Levering and Sons and James Corner and Son, be
vested in the said Perry R. McNeille, his heirs and as-
signs forever.
March 7, 1848.
An act to divorce Margarett C. Preston, from her hu-
band William H. Preston.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Margarett C. Preston, of Washington county, be
and she is hereby divorced from her husband William
H. Preston a vinculo matrimonii, and that the said
Margarett C. Preston be and she is hereby authorised
to assume her maiden name, Margaret C. Swartzalder.