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Session Laws, 1847
Volume 612, Page 192   View pdf image
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SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That from and after the time
when the loans shall be received by the treasurer as pro-
vided in the second section of this act, and the provi-
sions of this act have been approved and assented to by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore that thenceforth

the sevenths-section of the act of December session eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred ninety-
five shall be considered repealed and of none effect;

CHAP. 196.

provided, that such repeal of said section shall in no man-
ner affect the rights and advantages which have hereto-
fore been acquired by the private stockholders, in said
company under an ordinance of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore entitled, an ordinance relating to
the individual stockholders of the Baltimore and Susque-
hanna rail road company, approved June the fifth, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-nine, and that the approval by
the city of Baltimore of the provisions of this act, shall be
construed as and have the effect of repealing the second,
and third sections of the said ordinance, and as extend-
ing the time allowed by the fourth section thereof to
individual Stockholders to claim the benefits of said or-
dinance to the first day of December eighteen hundred
and fifty-one.


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to make loans of money to or to sub-
scribe for stock in any of the rail road companies men-
tioned in the first section of this act, for the purpose of
aiding in the construction of the said rail roads from York
to the Valley rail road, or from Wrightsville to Middle-
town, and for that purpose shall have power to negotiate
a loan and increase the public, debt of the city to such
an amount as they may deem requisite for the purpose

Corporation of
Baltimore may
subscribe for
stock, and ne-
gotiate a loan
for that pur-

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall be of
no, force and effect until the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, by an ordinance to that effect, and the indi-
vidual stockholders of the said Baltimore and Susque-
hanna rail road company in general meeting assembled,
shall have given their assent to the provisions of this act,
and shall have deposited with the Treasurer of the
Western Shore evidence of such assent having been


To deposit as-
sent with the

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all acts of Assem-
bly inconsistent with the provisions of this act, so far as
they are so inconsistent, be and they are hereby re-

laws repealed.

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Session Laws, 1847
Volume 612, Page 192   View pdf image
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