CHAP. 87.
Passed Feb.
23, 1847.
An act to allow Reuben Summers, receiver of Richard R.
Waters, late Sheriff and Collector of Montgomery
County, further time to complete his collections.
Authorised to
collect all fines
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Reuben Summers, receiver of Richard
R. Waters, late sheriff and collector of Montgomery
county, or any subsequent receiver that may be appoint-
ed be, and he is hereby authorised to collect all fines,
forfeitures, amercements, officer's fees, public dues,
county taxes and levies, which were placed in the hands
of Richard R. Waters, for collection, during the time he
was in office, and which have not been collected in the,
same manner as he, the said Richard R. Waters, might
have done whilst in office; provided, that if any person
or persons, his, her or their representatives, against
whom any such fees, fines, taxes or levies, may have
been rendered, will make oath or affirmation before a
justice of the peace, that the same has been satisfied or
paid, then this act shall not extend to such cases.
Entitled to all
credits, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the parties shall be
entitled under this act to all credits, set-offs, and dis-
counts, that they would have been entitled to, during the
term of the said Richard R. Waters.
Time extend-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the powers given
under this act, shall extend to the first day of March eigh-
teen hundred and forty-eight.
Passed Feb.
23, 1847.
An act entitled, a supplement to an act, passed December
session, eighteen hundred and forty-five, chapter one
hundred and forty-eight.
Made lawful.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it may and
shall be lawful for any proprietor or lessee of any fishery
on the Potomac, to cause and permit all vessels employ-
ed by him or them respectively, in carrying on their busi-
ness, to be anchored or otherwise moored opposite their
respective shores; anything in the aforegoing act to
which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstand-
ing; provided always, that said vessels shall not be so
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