moored or anchored, as to interfere with the existing rights
of the proprietors and lessees of the adjoining shores in
laying out their seines.
CHAP. 88.
An act for the incorporation of Salisbury Division, Num-
ber Thirty-five, of the Sons of Temperance.
Passed Feb.
16, 1847.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Augustus G. Grove, Robert H. Elle-
good, George R. Collier, David Vance, Isaac Nichols,
M. L. H. Maddux, Seth D. Venables, Henry J. Brew-
ington, James A. Venables, Edward K. Weatherly,
Samuel H. Kelly, R. M. Ennis, F. W. P. Rider, L. W.
Bates, Wm. H. Wailes, and others, officers and mem-
bers of Salisbury Division, Number Thirty-five, of the
Sons of Temperance of the State of Maryland be, and
they ate hereby incorporated and made a body politic
and corporate, by the name, style and title of Salisbury
Division, Number Thirty-five, of the Sons of Tempe-
rance, and by that name, they and their successors shall
and may at all times hereafter, he capable in law to have,
hold, receive and retain to them and their successors,
property real, personal or mixed; also devises or be-
quests of any description of property from any person or
persons, capable in law of making the same, and the
same, at their pleasure, to transfer or dispose of in such
manner as they may think proper, and have a common
Name & style.
seal, and the same at their pleasure alter; provided al-
ways, that the said corporation or body politic, shall not
at any one time hold or possess real, personal or mixed
property, exceeding in value the sum of twenty thousand
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
and their successors, by the name and title aforesaid
shall be capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be
defended, in all and any courts of justice, and before all
or any judges, officers or persons, in all and singular any
actions, demands and matters whatsoever.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the corporation afore-
said, shall have power to alter or amend the by-laws
thereof at pleasure; provided, that such alteration or