CHAP. 302.
the advice and consent of the Senate be, and is hereby
authorised and required to appoint ten measurers, markers
and inspectors of lumber and shingles for said village,
who are residents of the State of Maryland, which said
measurers, makers and inspectors, shall each be entitled
to appoint one deputy, who shall also be residents of the
State of Maryland, and who shall, with their deputies,
be governed by the same laws, with regard to their mea-
surement and inspection, which govern the inspectors of
lumber in the city of Baltimore, and that they shall be
allowed twenty-five cents for measuring, marking or in-
specting every thousand feet of lumber, reduced mea-
sure, and twelve and a half cents for every thousand
shingles, one-half of which shall be paid by the purchaser,
and the other half by the seller.
Oath or affir-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said mea-
surers, markers and inspectors, or their deputies, as the
case may be, shall proceed to act as such, they shall
each take an oath or affirmation faithfully to perform his
duty as measurer, marker and inspector of lumber and
shingles for said village, to the best of his skill and judg-
ment, without favor, affection, partiality or prejudice.
Notify one of
the measurers.
SEC. 3. And be il enacted, That when any person or per-
sons may want their lumber or shingles measured, marked
and inspected, he or they shall notity, or cause to be noti-
fied, one of the measurers, markers and inspectors afore-
said, or their deputies, whose duty it shall be immedi-
ately thereafter to mark, measure or inspect the same,
but nothing herein contained shall be construed or taken
to compel any person or persons to have his or their
lumber or shingles measured, marked or inspected, but
that all persons wishing or requiring it, shall have it done
by one of the measurers, markets and inspectors ap-
pointed as aforesaid, or their deputies.
Privilege and
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the measurers, mar-
kers and inspectors aforesaid, and their deputies, shall
have jurisdiction, and the privilege is hereby granted
them to measure, mark and inspect lumber and shingles
on the waters of the Susquehanna river, opposite said
village, and as far down said river as Herring run.
Penalty of
twenty dollars.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall measure, mark or inspect any lumber or shingles in
said village, or on the waters of the Susquehanna river
within the limits and jurisdiction herein granted to the
said measures, markers and inspectors and their depu-
ties, without being appointed by the Governor, or in the
manner aforesaid, and contrary to the true intent and