school district, is hereby released from the same; provi-
ded, a majority of the trustees of said schools for which
it is now taxed, in election district number one, shall
assent thereto.
CHAP. 287.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That when said school shall
have been organised, according to the provisions of this
act, it shall be, and is hereby declared to be a free school
for all the white citizens in said school districts.
Free School.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the trustees of said
school shall have power to pass such by-laws for the
promotion and good government of said school, as they
may think right and proper; provided, the same shall
not contravene any existing law ol the State.
Trustees to
pass by-laws.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
appointed by the provisions of this act, shall receive as
compensation for their services one dollar per day each,
to be paid by the trustees of said school, out of the
funds of said district.
Receive $1
per day.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage, and all acts contrary to
this act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
An act to incorporate the Westminster Free School of
the Presbyterian Church in Fredericktown, in Frede-
rick County.
Passed March
9, 1847.
WHEREAS, Mary L. Thomson, Elizabeth Shriver,
Rebeccah McCleery, Susannah McLanahan, Margaret
Sanderson, Mary White, Eleanor Reynolds, Mary Catha-
rine Reynolds, Emeline Reigart, Margaret Eichelberger,
Margaret Hart, Elizabeth Bailey, Eliza Mantz, and
other ladies of the Presbyterian church, in Frederick-
town, associated by the name of the Westminster Free
School Society of the Presbyterian Church, in Frede-
ricktown, ior the benevolent purpose of establishing a
free school, and for the purpose of carrying into effect
their benevolent plans, have prayed that trustees may be
incorporated, with power to receive, hold and dispose of
contributions, donations, gifts, grants, devises and be
quests of all kinds of property, estate and effects, to a
limited amount, in trust for the purposes aforesaid—