was sold by contract in writing, to said Stephens by the
said William Wrightson in his lifetime; provided, the
said Stephens shall comply fully with the terms of said
CHAP. 271.
An act to authorise Mathew K. Mister, of Baltimore City,
to bring into this State a certain Negro Slave therein
Passed March
9, 1847.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for Mathew M. Mister, of Baltimore city,
to bring into this State from the State of Mississippi, a
negro man named Dennis, a slave for life; provided, the
said Mathew K. Mister comply with the provisions of the
act passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, chapter fifteen.
Authorised to
bring negro.
An act to prevent Frauds in Mortgages and Bills of
Passed March
9, 1847.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That no deed of mortgage or bill of sale shall
be valid and effective, except as against the mortgagor
or mortgagors, grantor or grantors, unless there be en-
dorsed thereon an affidavit of the mortgagee or mort-
gagees, grantee or grantees, sworn to before the judge,
justice or justices as the case may be, taking the acknow-
ledgment thereof, at the time of the acknowledgment,
that the consideration set forth in such deed of mortgage
or bill of sale is true and bona fide as therein set forth.
Endorsed by
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any mortgage in
any deed of mortgage or grantee in any bill of sale in
making the said affidavit, shall swear or affirm falsely
and corruptly, he or she shall be considered guilty of
perjury, and shall be subject to all the pains and penal-
ties prescribed by law therefor.
Guilty of per-