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Session Laws, 1846
Volume 611, Page 194   View pdf image
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SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall be capable of taking and holding real and personal
estate, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty thou-
sand dollars, for the benefit and relief of the sick and
distressed, the education of the orphans of its members,
and for the promotion of their principles generally.

CHAP. 214.

May hold real
estate to the
value of $20,

SEC. 3 And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall and may at all times hereafter, be capable in law to

have, receive and retain to its members and their succes-
sors, any gift, devise of bequests of any person or per-
sons, bodies corporate or politic, capable of making the
same, and the same at their pleasure, to transfer or dispose
of in such manner as they may think proper.

Receive any
gift, devise, &c.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this corporation shall
have power to make, alter and amend their by-laws at
pleasure; provided, they do not conflict with the laws of
this State, or of the United States.

May make

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall enure for the period of forty years from its
passage, unless sooner altered or repealed; the right so to
alter, amend or repeal this charter, being hereby expressly
reserved to the Legislature at its pleasure.

Enure for 40

Right reserv-


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no scrip, device or
other evidence of debt shall be issued by the said corpo-
ration to be used as a currency.


Issues forbid.

An act to authorise William H. Piles, of Prince George's
County, to bring into this State, a certain negro slave
therein mentioned.

Passed March
4, 1847.

Be it enacted by tlie General .Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for William H. Piles, of Prince George's
county, to bring into tins State from the District of Co-
lumbia, a negro man named Henry Carroll, a slave for
life; provided, the said William H. Piles, comply with
the provisions of the act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred thirty nine, chapter fifteen.

Bring a slave
into this State.

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Session Laws, 1846
Volume 611, Page 194   View pdf image
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