CHAP. 213.
Expenses paid.
providing that the expenses of altering and straightening
such public roads in said county as the levy court may
deem proper, shall be borne by the petitioners applying
for such alteration be, and the same is hereby repealed,
and the expenses incident upon such alterations, shall be
paid by the person or persons petitioning for the said
road, or levied on the county, or may direct the said da-
mages to be paid by the petitioners and the county, in
such porportion as the court may deem just; and that this
act shall take effect from and immediately after its passage.
Passed March
4, 1847.
An act to divorce Ellen Browning from her husband
Louis H. Browning.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Ellen Browning be, and she is hereby divorced a
vinculo matrimonii from her husband Louis H. Brown-
ing; that she be called and known by the name of Ellen
Lowry, and that she shall have the care, custody and con-
trol of her child, the issue of her marriage with the said
Passed March
3, 1847.
An act to incorporate ihe Benevolent Division, N umber
Twenty, of the Sons of Temperance.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Godfrey Koontz, John A. Steiner,
Frederick Young, John Houck, jr.. Peter L. Storm and
others, officers and members of Benevolent Division of
the Sons of Temperance, and all others who may become
members of said division, and their successors be, and they
are hereby incorporated and made a body corporate and
politic, by the name and number of the Benevolent Divi-
sion, Number Twenty, of the Sons of Temperance, and
by that name may sue and be sued, and have a common
seal, and the same at their pleasure to alter, and be enti-
tled to use the powers and privileges incident to such,