CHAP. 10.
successors annually to be elected, be and they are hereby
appointed first trustees of Plumb Point Academy, in the
second election district of Calvert county; and the said
trustees and their successors annually to be elected is the
manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be and they are
hereby declared to be one community, corporation and
body politic, with perpetual succession in deed and in
law to all intents and purposes, connected with said in-
Name & style.
stitution, by the name and style of the Plumb Point
Academy of Calvert County, by which name and title
they and their successors shall be competent and capable
in law and equity, to take and hold to themselves and
their successors, for the use of the said academy, any
estate in messuages, lands and tenements, annuities,
goods, chattels, moneys, or effects, by gift, grant or bar-
gain and sale, conveyance, devise or bequest of any per-
son or persons whatsoever; provided, the same do not
exceed in the whole, the clear yearly value of two thou-
sand dollars, and the same messuages, lands and tene-
ments, and other estate, real or personal, to farm, let and
put out on interest, for the use of the said academy, in
such manner as to them or a majority of them shall seem
most beneficial to the institution, and to receive the rents,
issues, profits, income and interest of the same, and to
apply the emoluments thereof to the proper use and ad-
vancement of said academy.
Election of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That on the first Monday in
April, in each and every year, an election shall be held
by the qualified voters of the academy, and the trustees
in power shall annually, ten days previous to the election,
set up three public notices, one at each of the most pub-
lic places in the neighborhood, notifying the subscribers
of the election for trustees of said academy, which said
election shall be by ballot, and conducted as follows, to
wit: every subscriber to said institution shall be allowed
one vote, and the seven persons having a majority of the
votes, shall be declared duly elected the trustees for the
ensuing year; provided, that no person but a subscriber
shall be a trustee.
Fill vacancy.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That after an annual elec-
tion a vacancy shall occur among the members elected
by the death, resignation or refusal of any one or more of
the trustees, or by the neglect of any one or more of
them to attend three regular meetings of the board of
trustees, the remaining trustees shall proceed with all
convenient despatch to fill the vacancy, by electing by
ballot other sensible or discreet person or persons from