among the subscribers to said institution^ so as to per-
petuate the number of seven persons as trustees of said
CHAP. 10.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors by the name and style aforesaid, shall be
capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court or courts, and before any judge, justice or
justices within this State and elsewhere, in all and any
manner of suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters and
demands of whatsoever kind, nature or form they may
be, and all and every other matter or thing to do therein,
in as full and effectual a manner as any person or per-
sons, bodies corporate or politic within this State, in like
cases may or can do or perform; and the said trustees or
their successors, or a majority of them shall have power
and authority to have, make and use one common seal,
with such device and inscription as they shall think pro-
per, and therewith to pass and authenticate the certifi-
cates, acts and orders of the said corporation, and the
same seal at their pleasure to break, alter and renew.
To make and
use a common
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the said trustees and
their successors, or a majority of them from time to
time, and all times hereafter, shall have full power and
authority to constitute and appoint professors, teachers
and assistants for instructing the students and scholars of
the said academy, in such sciences and branches of edu-
cation as they shall think proper and suitable to be taught
therein, and make ordinances and regulations for the
good government of the said academy, and the instruc-
tions of the youth therein, and to appoint such number of
Trustees to
appoint pro-
fessors, &c.
their own body, not less than five, as they may think
proper to be a quorum or committee for transacting all
general and necessary business of the said academy,
and making temporary rules for the management thereof,
and also to delegate to the said professors and teachers,
such powers and authorities as they shall think expe-
dient for the government and discipline of the said acad-
emy, and the execution of the regulations thereof, and
also to make such regulations for the direction, visitation
and examination of the said academy and the students
therein, as shall best promote the important objects of
Not less than
5 to be a quo-
the institution; provided always, that the said ordinances
be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors or a majority of them, shall meet at least
twice in every year in stated semi-annual meetings, to be
Meeting of