port of herself and the said parties, and that said real es-
tate is entirely unproductive, and that all the parties in-
terested are hereby injured; AND WHEREAS, the said
petitioners pray that the Frederick county court, as a
court of equity have power to decree a sale of said
real estate, therefore
CHAP. 62.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Frederick county court as a court of equity be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, in their dis-
cretion, upon being satisfied by proof to be taken in the
usual way upon bill and answer, to decree a sale of said
real estate, any thing in the will of said John Francis
Warthan to the contrary notwithstanding, for the pur-
pose of carrying out the trust intended to be created in
said will, and that the proceeds of said sale be disposed
of for the advantage of all the parties interested, as the
said court shall decree.
Court may
decree sale.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act relating to the trial
of facts in the several Counties of this State, passed
December session eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter two hundred and forty-Jive.
Passed Feb.
11, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the judges of the sixth judicial district, shall have the
power to remove any action or suit now pending, or
which may be hereafter instituted in Baltimore or Har-
ford counties, to an adjoining county, whether in said
Power of
judicial district or not; provided, the party at whose sug-
gestion such removal shall be made, shall previously
have complied with all the requisitions of the act to
which this is a supplement; and provided also, that in
all cases of second removal, such case shall be removed
to the county adjoining the one in which such suit or
action was originally instituted.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the costs and
charges arising in consequence of such removal, shall be
levied and collected, as is now provided by law in cases
of removal of causes.
Costs to be