cents, with interest from the sixth day of April, eighteen
hundred and forty-four; and whereas, it also appears
that of this debt, the said John McCollum, Michael Sul-
livan, Murray Shilling, David Keefer and John Henry
Hoppe have paid the sum of two thousand three hun-
dred and three dollars and ninety-two cents of principal,
and the further sum of one hundred and fourteen dollars
interest; and it further appears that a portion of the taxes
due from the people of Carrol! county, on account of
which the said judgment was recovered, remain uncol-
lected; and it is right and proper that authority should
be given to the said sureties to collect to their own use
such uncollected taxes, so far as may be necessary to re-
imburse them the sum thus paid — therefore,
CHAP. 59.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said John McCollum, Michael Sul-
livan, Murray Shilling, David Keefer and John Henry
Hoppe be, and they are hereby authorised and empow-
ered to collect from the taxable inhabitants of Carroll
county the State taxes for the year eighteen hundred and
forty-one, in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and
ninth election districts thereof, and which may now re-
main uncollected, to the amount in the whole not ex-
ceeding the sum of two thousand three hundred and
three dollars ninety-two cents, with one hundred and
fourteen dollars interest thereon, and apply the same to
the reimbursement of themselves as aforesaid.
Authorised to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the power and au-
thority conferred by the first section of this act shall re-
main and continue for the term of one year from the pas-
sage of this act, and for no longer.
In force one
An act to make valid the acts of Charles Traverse, Jus-
tice of the Peace in and for Dorchester County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the provisions of the act of assembly, passed Feb-
ruary twenty-first, eighteen hundred and forty-five, en-
titled, an act to make valid the official acts of certain
justices of the peace, and the district courts in and for
the State of Maryland, be and they are hereby extended
so as to make valid the official acts of Charles Travers,
justice of the peace in a»d for Dorchester county, up to
Passed Feb.
11, 1846.
Made valid.