CHAP. 53.
one and eighteen hundred and forty-five, and eighteen
hundred and forty-two and eighteen hundred. and forty-
Levy Court to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Cal-
vert county, at their annual levy meeting for county
purposes, shall and they are hereby required to levy on
the assessable property in said county, the sum of seven
hundred and fifty dollars, for the use of common schools
in said county, until primary schools shall be established,
which said sum so levied for common schools shall be
collected as county charges are collected, and paid over
annually to the orphans' court for the use of common
schools in the county.
To levy for
use of prima-
ry schools.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever, and as
soon as primary schools shall be adopted, under the pro-
visions of the act of December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and seventy-six,
the levy court of Calvert county shall, and they are here-
by required to levy annually upon the assessable property
in said county a sum not exceeding two thousand dol-
lars in any one year, until they shall have levied in all
the sum of twelve thousand dollars for the use of primary
schools, which shall be collected as county charges are
collected in the county, and paid over to the levy court,
and by said court equally divided among the primary
schools, under the act of December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and se-
Passed Feb.
11, 1846.
An act for the benefit of John McCollum, Michael Sulli-
van, Murray Shilling, David Keefer and John Henry
Hoppe, of Carroll County.
WHEREAS, it has been represented, and appears to
this General Assembly, that a judgment was obtained in
Carroll county court, in the name of the State of Mary-
land, against Benjamin Yingling, collector of the State
taxes in Carroll county for the year eighteen hundred and
forty-one, principal, and John McCollum, David Keefer,
Murray Shilling, Michael Sullivan, John Matthias and
John Henry Hoppe, as his sureties, for the sum of two
thousand seven hundred and three dollars ninety-two