his sureties for taxes in arrear for the years eighteen
hundred and forty-two and eighteen forty-three; and
whereas, the said taxes in arrear are uncollected and due;
and whereas, the said Lemuel Dunbracco is making every
exertion to collect the said taxes as speedily as practica-
ble — therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deputy of the Attorney General be and he is
hereby authorised and required to suspend further pro-
ceedings upon said judgment until the first day of Janu-
ary, eighteen hundred and forty-seven; provided, all the
parties in the said court, against whom the said judgment
has been rendered, give their assent in writing to said
suspension, to be filed by the clerk of the county court
in the said cause.
WHEREAS, on the fourth of March, eighteen hundred
and thirty-seven, Congress passed an act entitled, an act
concerning pilots, in the following words: Be it enacted,
that it shall and may be lawful for the master and com-
mander of any vessel coming into, or going out of any
port situate upon waters which are the boundary between
two States, to employ any pilot duly licensed or author-
ised by the laws of either of the States bounded on the
said waters, to pilot any vessel to or from said port, any
law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding;
and whereas, said act is exceedingly imperfect, and is
unaccompanied by all detail or provision for its own pro-
per execution, but permits the conflicting jurisdiction of
adjacent States to disturb and derange the best systems
of pilotage which either may adopt — therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our senators and representatives in Congress be re-
quested to use their best efforts to have said law amend-
ed or repealed.