No. 54.
Resolution in favor of Mary Lloyd.
Passed Mar.
9, 1846.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of this State, be and he is hereby directed
to pay to Mary Lloyd, of Pennsylvania, widow of Thos.
Lloyd, a soldier of the revolution, or to her order the
half pay of a private of the revolution in quarterly pay-
ments during her life, and that the Treasurer pay to the
said Mary Lloyd or her order the balance that may be
found due her late husband for arrearages of pension,
granted him during his life time.
No. 55.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
Resolution authorising the Librarian to subscribe for one
hundred copies of Evans' Digest of the Maryland Re-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian of the State be and he is hereby authorised
to subscribe in the name of the State of Maryland for one
hundred copies of Evans' Digest of the decisions of the
Court of Appeals of Maryland, now about to be publish-
ed by George H. Hickman; provided, that any three
judges of the Court of Appeals of Maryland shall certify
under their hands and seals, that in their opinion the said
digest is a faithful digest of the decisions of said court,
and deserves the patronage of the State; provided, said
subscription docs not exceed five dollars per volume.
No. 56.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
Preamble and resolution in favor of Lemuel Dunbracco,
collector of the State taxes for Queen Anne's county,
judgment against him and securities to be suspended
for a certain period.
WHEREAS, at the last November term of Queen
Anne's county court, a judgment was rendered in favor
of the State of Maryland, against Lemuel Dunbracco and