SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful
to open any street, lane or alley through the burial
grounds of the trustees of the Catholic Cathedral Church
of Baltimore, heretofore acquired, or hereafter to be ac-
quired, without the sanction first had of the General As-
sembly of Maryland.
CHAP. 383.
An act to repeal the fourth and fifth sections of an ad en-
titled, an act to prevent Illegal Voting in this State,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and forty-
four, chapter three hundred and nine.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the fourth and fifth sections of an act entitled, an
act to prevent illegal voting in this State, passed at De-
cember session eighteen hundred and forty four, chapter
three hundred and nine, so far as relates to the stamping
of naturalization papers, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and every naturalized voter whose certificate of
naturalization was stamped, in conformity with said fifth
section repealed by this act, is hereby entitled to receive
a new certificate of naturalization; and the clerks of the
several county courts of this State and the clerk of the
United States circuit court and district court of the dis-
trict of Maryland, are hereby directed to furnish such
certificates upon the production of the original papers
stamped as aforesaid, and upon the payment of fifty cents
for each certificate so renewed.
An act to allow Henry P. Geoghegan, Collector of the
County Taxes of Talbot County, further time to complete
his collections.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Henry P. Geoghegan, collector of the
county taxes of Talbot County, be and he is hereby au-
thorised and empowered to collect any taxes or balances
Time allowed.