CHAP. 384.
Be it enacted by ike General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed and conveyance of John Crouse and wife
and David Crouse and wife, to a certain Christopher
Wisner, dated the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred
and forty-five, and recorded on the twelfth day of April
in said year, in liber J. S. number 4, folio 258, &c. one
of the land records of Carroll county court, and the deed
from John Beggs and wife to Richard Beggs, dated the
third day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and for-
ty-five, and recorded on the tenth clay of July, in the
same year, in liber J. S. number 4, folios 484, &c. one
of the land records of Carroll county court, both acknow-
ledged before the said Henry Stonesifer, as a justice of
the peace as aforesaid, be and the same are hereby de-
clared to be as valid and operative in law, to all intents
and purposes, as if the, said Henry Stonesifer, had taken
the necessary oaths required under the law, or said ac-
knowledgments taken before a justice of the peace duly
qualified to act as such.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
An act for the benefit of the Trustees of the Catholic Ca-
thedral Church in Baltimore.
WHEREAS, the trustees of the Catholic Cathedral
Church of Baltimore, by their petition to this General
Assembly, have represented that the ground now used by
the congregation of said church as a burial ground, was
purchased lor that purpose and was so used before the
last enlargement of the city of Baltimore, but that the
commissioners appointed to lay out streets, have located
several streets through the said ground, which if opened
as so located, would produce great inconvenience; and
whereas, the trustees of the said church have also asked
permission to extend their said burial ground by purchase
from the owners of the adjacent lands, which request is
reasonable and ought to be granted — therefore,
To enlarge
burial ground.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the trustees of the Catholic Cathedral
Church of Baltimore, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to add to, and enlarge their burial ground
to an extent not exceeding in the whole twenty-five acres
of land; provided, they can do so by purchase from the
owners and proprietors of the lands adjacent, or adjoin-
ing their said burial ground.