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Session Laws, 1845
Volume 610, Page 363   View pdf image
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CHAP. 321.

all monies received by them under the provisions Of the
said act, and the manner of its disbursement; and the first
annual statement hereafter to be made in pursuance of
this act, shall contain a full account of all monies hereto-
fore received and disbursed by them.

Bond of the

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bond of the said
commissioners executed to the State of Maryland, ac-
cording to the requirements of the said original act, shall
not be deemed or considered to apply to any sum or
sums of money other than those received by them, and
not applied according to the provisions of the said law,
and the several supplements thereto, during the time they
may be acting as commissioners, and that the annual
statement heretofore required of them to be made on oath
to the clerk of Worcester county court, shall be evidence
of the amount for which they may be so liable.


received- -how

SEC. 3. AND WHEREAS, doubts have arisen as to
what part of the Pocomoke river were contemplated by
the original act; be it enacted, that all monies received by
the said commissioners under the provisions of the act
aforesaid, shall be applied after the payment of the ne-
cessary expenses of the commission, as the said commis-
sioners shall deem most advisable, in clearing out, re-
moving all obstructions in the main stream of the said
river, between the town of Snow Hill and the west line
of the State of Delaware, and tendering the same navi-
gable for boats ant! the rafting of timber, so far as the
same may be practicable, within the amount provided by
the said original act; and the said commissioners shall

not be individually liable to any suit or suits for any act
or acts by them done, or done by their direction in the
proper discharge of their official duties.

ers elected to
give bond.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all new commission-
ers elected under the provisions of an act passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and forty, chapter two
hundred and fifteen, shall and they are hereby required
before filtering upon the discharge of their duties as
such, to give bond to the State of Maryland, in such
penalty as the board of commissioners, with like condi-
tions to those required of the commissioners appointed

by the original act.

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Session Laws, 1845
Volume 610, Page 363   View pdf image
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