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Session Laws, 1845
Volume 610, Page 364   View pdf image
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An act to extend the time of William Frush, late collector
of Baltimore County, to complete his collations.

CHAP. 323.

Passed Mar.
10, 1846.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time to enable William Frush, late collector in

Baltimore county, to complete his collections, be extend-
ed to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and for-


Time extend-

An net to incorporate the Welling Academy of Howard

Passed Mar.
9, 1846.

WHEREAS, application has been made to this General
Assembly of Maryland, for the passage of a law to in-
corporate the Willing Academy of Howard District—


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John R. Moore, William Welling,
James Clark, Lewis Eyre, Philip Cissil, Charles G.
Ridgely and Washington Gaither, he and they are here-
by appointed trustees of said academy, to act as such un-
til the first Monday of May, eighteen hundred and forty-
seven; and the said trustees and their successors, to be
elected in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be and
they hereby erected, established and declared to be one
community, corporation and body politic, with perpetual
succession in deed and in law, to all intents and purposes


connected with the said institution, by the name and style
of the Trustees of the Welling Academy, by which name
and style they the said trustees and their successors,
shall be competent and capable in law and in equity, to
take and to hold to themselves and their successors for
the use of the said academy, any estate in lands and tene-
ments, goods, chattels or effects, by the gift, grant, bar-
gain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest, of any person

Name and

or persons whatsoever; provided, the same do not ex-
ceed in the whole, the clear yearly value of three thou-
sand dollars; and the same lands and tenements, and
other estate, real and personal, to grant, bargain, sell,
demise, and to farm, let and be put out on interest, or


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Session Laws, 1845
Volume 610, Page 364   View pdf image
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