CHAP. 260.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said company
and their successors by the aforesaid name, shall be ca-
Legal capac-
pable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be implead-
ed, answer and be answered, defend and be defended in
all and any courts of justice whatsoever, and before any
judge or justice in all and singular actions and demands,
and to ordain, establish and enforce such by-laws, ordi-
nances and regulations, as to them shall seem conducive
to the interest of said company, and necessary to the good
government and management thereof, the same not be-
ing contrary to the existing laws of this State or of the
United States.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed, as to authorise or empower
said corporation, to issue any notes, token, or certificate
or evidence of debt, to be used as a currency, and that
Right reserv-
nothing herein contained, shall be so construed as to
deny the right to the General Assembly of Maryland, to
repeal this act at its pleasure.
Passed Feb.
10, 1848.
An act relating to the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of
Charter exten-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the charter of the President and Direc-
tors of the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore,
be and the same, is hereby extended and continued in
force and operation, until the end of the year eighteen
and fifty-eight, and of the session of the next General
Assembly thereafter.
Authorised to
elect directors,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation,
be and they are hereby authorised to elect their directors
and president, and to make their semi-annual dividends,
and generally to conduct the business of said corpora-
tion, in the manner authorised, and at the times prescrib-
ed by the act, entitled, an act to incorporate the stock-
holders of the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Balti-
more, passed at November session, one thousand eight
hundred and ten, and the several supplements thereto;
and that so much of the act to extend the charters of the
several banks in the city of Baltimore, passed at Decem-
ber session, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four,