CHAP. 256.
Not exempt
from taxation.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained, shall be construed to exempt the lands and
other properly of said company from taxation.
In force until
Right reserv-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall remain in force until the year eighteen hun-
dred and seventy, and until the end of the next General
Assembly thereafter; provided, that nothing in this act
shall be construed, as to deprive any future legislature of
the right to alter, amend or repeal said act.
Passed Feb.
27, 1846.
An act explanatory of an act, for the relief of William
James Scott, an infant of Baltimore County.
WHEREAS, by an act, passed the tenth day of March,
Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and forty-three, entitled
an act for the relief of William James Scott, an infant of
Baltimore county, it is provided that all the right, title,
and interest of the State of Maryland, of, in and to the
lands of Thomas Scott, an alien, be released to the said
Willam James Scott, only child of the said Thomas
Scott; and it is further provided, that the Register of the
Land Office issue a patent for said land, called Scott's
Security, containing six acres and twenty perches, to the
said William James Scott.; and whereas, the said Thomas
Scott, held only an undivided moiety as tenant, in com-
mon with William Scott, a naturalized citizen, in the
said tract, and it is not explicitly declared by the said act,
that the interest in said tract, released by the State of
Maryland, and for which a patent was directed to be is-
sued to the said William James Scott, was only an undi-
vided moiety as aforesaid — therefore,
True intent
and meaning.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the true intent and meaning of the act,
of which this act is explanatory, was, that all the right,
title and interest of the State of Maryland, of, in and to
the lands of Thomas Scott, an alien, late of Baltimore
county, deceased, being an undivided moiety, held by
him in common with one William Scott, a naturalized
citizen, in a certain tract of land, surveyed and described
under a warrant of re-survey, dated the fifteenth day of
September, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-two,
and called Scott's Security, or to the valuation of said