and in case a vacancy shall occur in the presidency or
directorship of said corporation, the remaining directors
shall have power to fill such vacancy, by appointing some
stockholder to that office, till the next meeting of the
stockholders, for the choice of directors.
CHAP. 255.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That a meeting of the
stockholders shall he held annually, at such time and
place as shall he established by the by-laws; and it shall
be the duty of the president and directors at said meeting,
to make a report of the condition and affairs of said cor-
poration; and a special meeting of said stockholders may
be called at any time by a majority of the directors, or
by one or more stockholders, who shall represent one-
fifth part of said capital stock, of which meeting, ten
Meeting of
the stockhold-
ers annually.
days previous notice, stating the object of said meeting,
shall be given in some newspaper, printed in the said
town of Cumberland, and in some newspaper printed in
Washington city, and at all meetings of the stockholders,
the owners or representatives of a majority of the capital
stock, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business, and shall have power to pass, amend, alter or
repeal the by-laws, and to remove from office any direc-
tor, officer or agent of said corporation, and to appoint
others in their stead.
Give ten days
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said corporation be,
and it is hereby authorised to construct rail roads from
any part of its own lands, to connect with other rail roads,
or the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, so as thereby to se-
cure the facilities of transporting the produce of its mines
and manufactories, &c., and for this purpose, shall be vest-
ed with the same rights and privileges as have been here-
tofore granted to the Maryland Mining company by the
legislature of this State.
Construct rail
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed, as to authorise the said corporation
to issue any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence
of debt, to be used as currency.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall com-
mence and be in force, from and after the passage there-
of; and the company hereby incorporated, shall be sub-
ject to all the restrictions imposed by the act of Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter
two hundred and sixty-seven, entitled an act, prescribing
general regulations for the incorporation of manufactur-
ing and mining companies.
In force.