land, as relumed by the surveyor of Baltimore county,
under said warrant of re-survey, be released to the said
William James Scott, only child of the said Thomas
CHAP. 257.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Register of the
Land Office be directed to cancel the patent, heretofore
issued to the said William James Scott, for the entire
tract so called Scott's Security, containing six acres and
twenty perches, and that he be further directed, on the
return and cancellation of said patent, to issue to the said
William James Scott a new patent, for an undivided
moiety of the land. called Scott's Security, containing six
acres and twenty perches, being the undivided moiety
therein claimed in his lifetime by the said Thomas Scott,
Cancel patent.
an alien; provided, nevertheless, that the said first patent
shall not be cancelled, nor a new patent issued, unless the
officers' fees shall be paid.
An act to incorporate the Saint Mary's Female Seminary.
WHEREAS, by the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-
nine, chapter one hundred and ninety, entitled an act to
authorise the drawing of a lottery to establish a Female
Seminary in Saint Mary's county, on the site of the an-
cient city of Saint Mary's, Cornelius Combs, Caleb W.
Jones, otherwise Caleb M. Jones, and John W. Bennett,
were constituted commissioners to carry out the end and
object of said bill; and whereas, in pursuance of said
act, the said commissioners have since, by virtue of the
power and authority in them vested, purchased a lot and
constructed the buildings contemplated in said act of
Assembly; and whereas, in further pursuance of said act,
they have elected sundry other trustees to the Saint Ma-
ry's Female Seminary, and it has been represented to this
General Assembly, by said board of trustees, that the in-
terest of said institution will be the better guarded and
protected by an act of incorporation — therefore,
Passed Feb.
25, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Cornelius Combs, Caleb M. Jones, John
W. Bennett, William Coade, James T. Blackston, Joseph
F. Shaw, William L. Smith, Henry Sewall, Benedict I.
Heard, Henry G. S. Key, William J. Edelen, William