An act to incorporate the trustees of Central School and
the trustees of Central Chapel of Frederick county.
CHAP. 179.
Passed Feb.
26, 1346.
WHEREAS, A church has been erected on certain land
heretofore consigned to the trustees of the central school
of Frederick county, by Henry Nelson and his wife and
Benjamin Nelson and his wife, and whereas, the mem-
bers of the Methodist Protestant congregation, who
worship at the said church, which is known by the
flame of Central Chapel, did contribute very liberally and
largely towards the erection of the said church; and it be-
ing just and right that the use of the said church should be
had by the said Methodist Protestant congregation, to
such extent as may be agreed to by the said trustees of
Central School of Frederick county; and whereas, the
said trustees of Central School of Frederick county have
been incorporated, but have not the power to make a
valid and binding contract, so as to secure to the said
congregation and their successors, the use of the said
church; and whereas, the, said congregation, in pursuance
to the act of Assembly of November session, eighteen
hundred and two, chapter one hundred and eleven, have
incorporated themselves under the name and style of the
Trustees of Central Chapel, in Frederick county; there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the trustees of the Central School of
Frederick county, be, and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to give, grant and transfer, upon such terms
and for such time as to them may seem meet, unto the
trustees of Central Chapel in Frederick county, and their
successors, the right and privilege of using, occupying
and enjoying the church mentioned in the preamble of
this act, and which is known by the name of Central
Chapel; and whereas, Benjamin Nelson and his wife, and
Henry Nelson and his wife, have heretofore conveyed
unto the said trustees of Central School of Frederick
county and their successors, about two acres of land, as
well for educational as religious purposes, and whereas, it
may be doubted whether any property can be held and
owned by the said trustees of Central School in Frederick
county, and their successors, except for the purposes of
education; therefore,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees of
Central School of Frederick county and their successors,
Purchase hold
and use.