CHAP. 11
appointed by their own ordinances, and at such other
times as by their said ordinances or by their own ad-
journments, they may direct, anil when so assembled they
Appoint offi-
shall have power to appoint from time to time, a presi-
dent, treasurer and secretary, to make contracts with the
professors and teachers relative to the instructions of the
scholars to be placed under their care, and for the pay-
ment of their salaries, and to examine the progress of
the students and scholars, to hear and determine on all
Their duties.
complaints and appeals and upon all matters touching the
discipline and government of said academy, and the ex-
ecution of their ordinances, and generally to manage the
state and concerns of the said academy in such manner
as they shall deem best for the advantage of the institu-
Issues forbid.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained, shall be so construed as to authorise or empower
said corporation to issue any note, token, device, scrip,
or other evidence of debt, to he used as currency.
Right reserv-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained, shall be so construed as to deny the right of the
legislature to repeal this grant at pleasure,
Passed Jan.
15, 1846.
An act supplemental to an act passed at December session,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, entitled, an
act to incorporate Gratitude Lodge No. five, Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Mary-
Hold real and
personal estate.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
the second section of the act incorporating Gratitude
Lodge Number Five, Independent Older of Odd Fel-
lows of the State of Maryland, be so amended as to allow
said corporation to be capable of taking and holding real
and personal estate not exceeding in value twenty thou-
sand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts
inconsistent with the above provision, are hereby re-