SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That James Lewis, William A. Schaeffer,
James Harris, Peyton R. Rose, Jeremiah Merrill, John
C. Boyle, Leonard Mettee, John Watchman, J. W. Wil-
lick, John H. Munroe, James Leck, Bryson Gill, James
Wilson, Thomas Glanding, John A. Lee, John H. Mul-
ley, John Wilson, Isaiah Shaw, William Paul, William
Craggs, Thomas Seabrooks, John S. Martin, John
Graham, George W. Krummed, William Derr, Jabez
S. Paul, Joshua H. Richards, the officers and members
of Robert Neilson Division, number sixteen, of the Sons
of Temperance, attached to the Grand Division of the
Sons of Temperance of Maryland, and their successors
be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body
politic and corporate by the name and number of Robert
Neilson Division, Number Sixteen, of the Sons of Tem-
perance of the State of Maryland, and by that name they
may sue and be sued, have a common seal, and the same
Individuals in-
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall be capable of taking and holding real and per-
sonal estate not exceeding the value of five thousand
dollars, to enable the members of said Division to exer-
cise all things concerning the designs of this corporation
for the benevolent purposes of shielding man from the
evils of intemperance, and affording mutual assistance in
case of sickness and distress, and elevate their character
as men, and for the promotion of benevolent purposes
Hold real and
personal estate
not exceeding
$5, 000.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this corporation shall
not be permitted to issue any note, token, device, scrip,
or other evidence of debt, to be used as a currency.
Issues forbid.