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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 265   View pdf image
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CHAP. 304.


Passed March
10, 1846.

An additional supplement to the act pasted December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and forty-four, entitled, an act
supplementary to an act for the weighing of Anthracite
and measuring of Bituminous Coal, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter three
hundred and sixteen.

Make oath or

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the weighers and measurers of coal appointed as
provided for in the first section of the supplemental act
above referred to, and after being approved of by the
Mayor of the city of Baltimore, shall before they enter
upon their duties as such, take the following oath or affir-
mation, viz: I do solemnly
swear or affirm (as the case may be, ) that I will honestly,
faithfully and impartially discharge my duties as weigher
and measurer of anthracite and bituminous coal in the
yard or depot of while in the
employ of and that I will give
the weight of a ton as established by law of two thousand,
two hundred and forty pounds for anthracite, and will
measure bituminous coal by the standard bushel, and that
I will hold myself amenable for a violation of my duties
under the penalty for every offence, of ten dollars, to be
recovered and disposed of as the penalties provided for in
the second section of the supplemental act above refer-
red to.



Passed March
10, 1845.

A further supplement to the act for the relief of sundry In-
solvent Debtors, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and five, chapter one hundred and ten.


WHEREAS, doubts are entertained whether the judges
of the several county courts and justices of the Orphans'
courts, are under existing laws authorised to grant dis-
charges to insolvent debtors on the day of the meeting of
the county court before the time of the meeting thereof,
or on the day of the adjournment, and after the time of

Good and ef-

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all such discharges heretofore made or

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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 265   View pdf image
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