clerk of Calvert county court, the sum of one hundred and
fifty dollars; and the clerk of Dorchester county court, the
sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; the register in chance-
ry, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; the register of
wills of Baltimore county, the sum of nine hundred dol-
lars; the register of wills of Frederick county, the sum of
three hundred dollars; the register of wills of Washington
county, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; the
register of wills of Prince George's county, the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars; the register of wills of Cecil
county, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars;
the register of wills of Saint Mary's county, the sum of
one hundred dollars; the register of wills of Charles coun-
ty, the sum of one hundred dollars; the register of wills
of Somerset county, the sum of one hundred and twenty-
five dollars; the register of wills of Caroline county, the
sum of seventy-five dollars; the register of wills of Kent
county, the sum of seventy-five dollars, the register of
wills of Harford county, the sum of one hundred and
twenty-five dollars; the register of wills of Queen Anne's
county, the sum of one hundred dollars; the register of
wills of Talbot county, the sum of one hundred dollars;
the register of wills of Dorchester county, the sum of one
hundred and twenty-five dollars; the register of wills of
Worcester county, the sum of one hundred dollars; the
register of wills of Calvert county, the sum of seventy-
five dollars; the register of wills of Allegany county, the
sum of one hundred dollars; the register of wills of Anne
Arundel county, the sum of seventy-five dollars; the regis-
ter of wills of Montgomery county, the sum of one hun-
dred and twenty-five dollars; the register of wills of Car-
roll county, the sum of thirty dollars; and the register of
wills of Howard District, the sum of thirty dollars.
CHAP. 302.
Sums paid by
each clerk and
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the official bonds of
said clerks and registers, shall be answerable for the taxes
provided, and that upon failure or neglect of any of the
aforesaid clerks or registers, to pay the taxes provided
by this act, by the times in this act limited for the payment
thereof, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to report such
neglect or refusal to the Governor, who shall thereupon
by letter demand of such clerk or register the payment
of such tax, and upon the refusal or neglect, shall give
notice thereof to the Treasurer, who shall thereupon cause
said bonds to be put in suit.
Official bonds
to be answera-
ble for the tax-