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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 266   View pdf image
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hereafter to be made, shall be good and effectual in law;
provided, it shall appear from the proceedings or otherwise,
that such discharge was granted during the recess of the
Court, although the same may have been granted on the
first or last day thereof.

CHAP. 305.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all defects in any pro-
ceedings now pending or hereafter to be instituted, before
any judge of the county court or justice of the Orphans'
court, under the act to which this is a supplement, or under
any of its supplements, may be cured at any time before
the final action of the county court, on the application of
any insolvent debtor, as if the whole subject to be taken
up de novo, so as to enable the applicant, to comply fully
with the several requisitions of the act to which this is a
supplement, and its various supplement.

All defects
cured before
final action.



An act to enlarge the Jurisdiction of the High Court of
Chancery, and the several County Courts exercising
Chancery Jurisdiction.

Passed March
10, 1845.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, if any security
of any trustee, appointed by the chancellor or county
courts, exercising chancery jurisdiction, shall conceive
him or herself in danger of suffering from the suretyship,
he or she (as the case may be, ) may apply to the chancel-
lor or county court, sitting as a court of. chancery, appoint-
ing such trustee, and the said chancellor or court, are
hereby authorised and required to lay a rule upon the
said trustee, requiting him to give counter security to be
approved by the said court, on or before a day to be
named by the said court, and if the said trustee shall not
within the time fixed by the said court, give such counter
security, the said court shall remove the said trustee and
appoint a new one in his room, and stead to complete the
trust, and the said trustee so removed, shall within a rea-

Chancellor re-
quired to lay a
rule upon said

sonable time to be fixed by the said court, deliver over to
such new trustee, all the trust property remaining in his
hands, and also, all the books, bonds, notes and evidences
of debt, which belong to or are due to the cestuis que
trust, his possession, and also, pay over to such new trus-
tee, all the money due by him on account of said trust,
and the said court may compel the delivery and payment

Time fixed.

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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 266   View pdf image
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