Clerks and re-
gisters to pay
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the clerk of the Court of Appeals, the
clerks of the several county courts and of Baltimore city
court, and of Howard District, the register in chancery,
and the registers of wills of the several counties in this
State, and of Howard District, shall pay annually hereaf-
ter to the Treasurer of the Western Shore, the sums here-
inafter specified, and that the said payments shall be
made in two equal semi-annual payments on the first day
of May, and the first day of November in each year, the
first of said semi-annual payments to be made on the first
day of November, eighteen hundred and forty-five.
Sums paid by
each clerk and
SEC. 2. And be it evaded, That the said annual tax or
sum of money to be paid as hereby provided for by the
first section of this net, by the said several clerks and
registers, shall be as follows, viz: the clerk of the Court
of Appeals of the Western Shore, three hundred and fifty
dollars; the clerk of the Court of Appeals of the Eastern
Shore, the sum of ten dollars; the clerk of Baltimore
city court, the sum of nine hundred dollars; the clerk of
Baltimore county court, nine hundred dollars; the clerk of
Allegany county court, the sum of three hundred dollars;
the clerk of Washington county court, the sum of four
hundred dollars; the clerk of Frederick county court, the
sum of four hundred and fifty dollars; the clerk of Prince
George's county court, the sum of three hundred and fifty
dollars; the clerk of Talbot county court, the sum of two
hundred dollars; the clerk of Queen Anne's county court,
the sum of two hundred dollars the clerk of Cecil county
court, two hundred and fifty dollars the clerk of Saint
Mary's county court, the sum of two hundred dollars; the
clerk of Kent county court, the sum of two hundred dollars;
the clerk of Caroline county court, the sum of one hundred
and fifty dollars; the clerk of Somerset county court, the
sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; the clerk of Harford
county court, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars;
the clerk of Worcester county court, the sum of one hun-
dred and fifty dollars; the clerk of Charles county court,
the sum of two hundred dollars; the clerk of Carroll coun-
ty court, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; the
clerk of Montgomery county court, the sum of two hun-
dred and fifty dollars; the clerk of Anne Arundel county
court, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; the clerk of
Howard District court, the sum of seventy-five dollars; the