CHAP. 274.
from the residence of the owner of such runaway, or the
place where such runaway may have lived or been hired,
shall be fifteen dollars; if under fifteen or more than forty-
five years of age, seven and a half dollars; if such runaway
be apprehended more than thirty miles from the residence
of his or her owner, or the place where he or she may have
lived or been hired, the sum allowed shall be fifty dollars;
if such runaway be more than fifteen or under forty-five,
and if under fifteen or over forty-five, twenty-five dollars;
provided, that no reward shall be paid or claimed under
this act for taking up any slave in the county in which the
said slave is hired, or in which his owner resides.
One hundred
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in all cases
where a runaway slave from this State, be apprehended
within the limits of a free State, the sum allowed for seiz-
ing, taking up and securing such runaway slaves, shall be
one hundred dollars; or one half of the value of such slave
arrested at the option of the owner, which however, shall
not apply to the counties of this State, bordering on the
Pennsylvania line; provided, in all cases where a slave
may have been advertised as a runaway, in a sum greater
than is allowed by this act, the said sum shall be considered
and deemed as including the amount to which the person
so seizing, taking up and securing said runaway, would be
entitled to under this act.
Deemed a
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in all cases
where a slave is within a free State, and one hundred
miles from the residence of his owner, he shall be deemed
a runaway.
Passed March
10, 1845.
An act for the extension of the time of William H. Black-
istone, Collector of Kent County, to complete his collec-
Time exten-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time for the payment of the direct and income tax
and all taxes due the State, for the year eighteen hundred
and forty-three, by William H. Blackistone, collector for
Kent county, be extended to the twenty-fifth day of August
next, and that the time for the payment of the direct and
income lax, and all taxes due the State for the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-four, by the said William H. Black-
istone, collector as aforesaid, be extended to the first day
of December next; provided, that the responsibility of the