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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 217   View pdf image
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CHAP. 272.

of the students, and the management of the said institu-
tion, and to alter and repeal the same from time to time
as they may see fit; provided always, that all such laws,
rules and regulations shall at all times be subject to be
repealed, modified or suspended by three-fourths of the
whole board of regents.

President to
be ex officio a

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president of the
said University shall ex officio be a member of the board
of regents, and that he shall nominate and by and with
the consent and advice of the board of regents, shall ap-
point as many professors and teachers as the regents may
deem necessary to advance the cause of education, and
the welfare of the said University.

Faculty and
Regents may
confer degrees

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the faculty and regents
of the said University, shall have full power to confer the
honorary degrees usually conferred in any of the colleges
or universities either in America or Europe.

May hold
public com-

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the regents of the
said University and their successors, shall have full power
to hold public commencements, and to confer any degrees
in any of the faculties, arts and sciences, and liberal pro-
fessions to which they are usually admitted in any of the

Power to con-
fer degrees.

colleges or universities in America or Europe.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the faculty with the
consent and approbation of the said regents, shall have
power to confer the degree of master of school keeping,
upon such students as upon examination in the presence
of the regents or a committee by them appointed, shall
be found qualified to act as teachers, and shall be found
worthy of the honor, that all diplomas shall be signed by
the president and attested by the chancellor, under the
corporate seal of the said University, and shall be coun-
tersigned by the secretary of the said board.

Instruction to
be furnished.

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That instruction both theo-
retical and practical, shall be furnished at the said Uni-
versity, in the art of school keeping, a register of the names
of persons desiring to become teachers of youth in the
State of Maryland, shall be kept in the library of the said
University, trustees and other individuals, who may wish
to employ teachers shall have access to the said register,
together with all the particulars partaining to the qualifica-
tions of the candidate for teacher.

May admit
indigent stu-

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said regents with
the consent of the faculty of the said University, shall have
power to provide for the admission into the University or
its grammer school gratuitously, or at reduced prices, of
such meritorious indigent students of unexceptionable

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Session Laws, 1844
Volume 609, Page 217   View pdf image
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