CHAP. 215.
county court, be and he is hereby allowed until the first
day of May next, ensuing the passage of this act, to pre-
pare his fees for collection, and to place them in the hands
of the sheriff of Montgomery county for collection, and
that the sheriff be, and he is hereby required to receive
the same on or before the day aforesaid, and to collect the
same according to law, and that the liability of the said
sheriff, and of his official bond, and the securities to the
same for the said fees shall be as full and entire, as if the
said fees were placed in his hands within the time now
required by law; provided, that the said fees shall not be
demandable in law, of the said sheriff by the said John
A. Carter, until the first day of January, eighteen hundred
Made lawful.
and forty-six.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the said John A. Carter, and he is hereby authorised to
have free access to, and use such of the dockets of Mont-
gomery county court, record books, and papers on file in
the clerks office of said county, as it may be necessary
for him to have access to, and use for the purpose of mak-
ing out fees, and for the purpose of doing and completing
all such unfinished business in said office, as by law he is
required to do and complete, and which remained unfin-
ished at the time of the expiration of his term of office;
provided, the same be done and completed within the time
prescribed by law.
Passed Feb
16, 1845.
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Charles County,
to cause the Bridge across Allen's Fresh Run, in said
County, to be repaired or rebuilt.
ers to rebuild
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of Charles county,
cause the bridge across Allen's Fresh run, where it emp-
ties into the head waters of Wicomico river, to be repair-
ed or rebuilt, in a good and substantial manner; and also,
have the causeway leading thereto, to be well and suffi-
ciently repaired.
ers authorised
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall at the time of laying the levy in said county, levy on
the assessable property of said county, a sum of money not
exceeding five hundred dollars, to be applied towards
repairing the present bridge, or rebuilding a bridge on the
old site thereof, and in repairing the causeway connecting
with said bridge.