CHAP. 214.
An act to authorise and empower the County Courts of this
State, to extend the time of Sheriffs and Collectors of
the County and State Taxes, to complete their collec-
Passed Feb.
10, 1845.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That on application by petition in writing to
the judges of the several county courts, and of Howard
District in this State, of any sheriff or collector of the
county or State tax, who has failed or neglected, or who
shall hereafter fail or neglect to collect any officers' fees or
taxes, within the time prescribed by law, the said judges
arc hereby authorised and empowered by an order made
on such petition to extend the time of such sheriffs or eel-
lectors or their executors or administrators to complete
their collections respectively, and the said courts are au-
thorised and empowered from time to time in manner
aforesaid, to extend the time of said sheriffs or collectors
to complete their collections, for a period of time not ex-
ceeding three years from the expiration of the time limited
by the existing laws of this State, for such sheriffs or col-
lectors to complete their collections, which petition and
order shall be filed in the county court of the county or
Time extend-
district, where such application is made.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the securities or the
survivor or survivors of them, or any deceased sheriff or
collector may apply as aforesaid, and whenever an appli-
cation shall be made by the executors or administrators
and also, the security or securities, or the survivor or sur-
vivors of them, the judges of the county court or district,
shall determine which application may be granted, and
the same proceedings shall be had on the application of
the security or securities, or the survivor or survivors of
them, subject to the limitation prescribed by the first sec-
made by exe-
cutors or ad-
tion of this act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed.
An act for the relief of John A. Carter, late Clerk of
Montgomery County Court.
Passed Feb.
8, 1845.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John A. Carter, late clerk of Montgomery
Time al-