Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act to which this is a supplement, and the sup-
plement thereto, be and the same are hereby continued
in force for the term of ten years from the passage of this
act, and until the end of the session of the General As-
CHAP. 209.
In force ten
sembly which shall happen next thereafter; provided how-
ever, the said corporation shall not hereby be authorised
to exercise any other powers, than those necessary for li-
quidating and winding up its business.
An act authorising the opening of a Road for the use of
James Smith, of Allegany County.
Passed Feb.
15, 1845.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Shriver, Reuben Hurley, and
Henry M. Pettit, of Allegany county, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners to lay out and open a
road in said county for the use and benefit of James Smith
of Allegany county, commencing in front of the platform
of a coal mine owned by Easby and Fisk, and running
thence by the best route to a coal mine owned by said
Smith, on a tract of land called "Hope in Prospect, "
ers appointed
to lay out and
open a road.
which said road shall not exceed twenty-five feet in width.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said com-
missioners shall proceed to lay out and open said road,
they shall respectively make oath before some justice of
the peace of the said county, that they will, without par-
tiality or prejudice assess the damages to be paid by the
said Smith to the owners of the land respectively, through
which the said road shall be located; and it shall be the
duty of the said commissioners, and they are hereby re-
quired to give at least, one week's previous notice to the
several owners of said lands, of the time when the said
Make oath.
road shall be so opened and located by them.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall make, or cause to be made, by the surveyor
of Allegany county, a plat of the location of said road,
accompanied with a statement, of the damages assessed
by them, which said plat and statement shall be by them
returned to the clerk's office of Allegany county and there
ers shall make
a plat.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Smith,
shall pay to the respective owners of the land through
Damages to
be paid.