CHAP. 182.
In force
twenty years.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall remain in
force for twenty years, unless sooner repealed by the Gen-
eral Assembly.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed to authorise the said corporation to
issue any note, token, device, or other evidence of debt,
to be used as a currency.
Right reserv-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Legislature here-
by reserves the right at anytime hereafter to alter, amend
or repeal this charter.
Passed March
3, 1845.
An act to make valid a Deed from N. Furck, wife and
others, to Ann A. Carpenter, of St. Mary's County.
Made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a certain deed of conveyance made to Ann A. Car-
penter, by Nicolaus Furck, Elizabeth A., his wife, and
others, executed on the eighteenth day of December, in
the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-four, and
recorded in liber J. H., number thirteen, folio 402, among
the land records of St. Mary's county, be and the same is
hereby made and declared valid, in the same manner, and
to the same extent, in law, as if the said Nicolaus Furck,
a party grantor in said deed, had been a naturalized citi-
zen of the United Slates at the time of the execution
Passed Feb.
27, 1845.
An act authorising and empowering the Commissioners of
Cecil County to Levy a sum of Money for Building a
Bridge over Big Elk Creek, at Gilpin's Ford, in the
said County.
Authorised to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the county commissioners of Cecil coun-
ty be, and arc hereby authorised and empowered, at their
next annual levy, to levy on the assessable property of Ce-
cil county, a sum of money sufficient for the building a
bridge over Big Elk creek, at or near Gilpin's ford, in said
county; provided however, that the said county commis-