RESOLVED, That John Sprigg Belt, William Hammond, Philemon and Joshua Griffith, executors of Henry
Griffith, be and they are hereby exonerated and discharged from the debts due to the state from said John Sprigg.
Belt, William Hammond and Henry Griffith, deceased, as securities of Dennis Griffith, and that the treasurer
of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to release to the said parties the bonds for the payment of
the debts aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That Luther Martin have permission to pay to the state of Maryland the balance due to the said
state on account of confiscated property by him purchased, and for which the said state hath judgments against
him, in four annual and equal instalments, with interest thereon, the first instalment, together with the inte-
rest of the whole debt, to be paid on the first day of December, 1806, and that no execution shall in the inter-
mediate time be issued upon the said judgments, except on failure of paying the said instalments, together with
interest on the whole principal at that time due and owing, or either of them, at the times appointed by this
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Joseph Mills, administrator of Timothy Bowes,
of Saint-Mary's county, the sum of fourteen pounds fifteen shillings, it being a balance due the said Timothy
Bowes, as assignee of Basil Brown, arising on an over payment upon a purchase of land from the commissioners
of confiscated property.
RESOLVED, That James Cresap, of Michael, of Allegany county, be and he is hereby released from the pay-
ment of the nine per cent, additional interest imposed on him by law, and arising on a balance due the states
one of the securities of Robert Sinclair, late a sheriff of Allegany county.
RESOLVED, That the right of the state of Maryland in and to a tract or parcel of land, lying in Allegany
county, called Workman's Fortune, and patented to Jacob Workman on the fifth day of September, eighteen
hundred and five, shall be and the same is hereby relinquished to said Jacob Workman, on condition of his pay-
ing into the treasury of the western shore the sum of six pounds five shillings on or before the first day of
February next.
RESOLVED, That David Hopkins, a captain of horse during the late revolutionary war, whose merits as an
officer stand honourably established by letters from the late general Washington and his aids, and by letters
from generals Heath and Maylan, and whose infirmities, occasioned by military fatigues and hardships, render
him unable to earn a scanty subsistence for a wife and five children, shall be and he is hereby entitled to receive
half pay as a captain of horse in the Maryland line, during life, and the treasurer of the western shore is
hereby authorised and directed to pay the same annually to the said David Hopkins, or to his order, in quar-
terly payments.
RESOLVED, That the auditor be and he is hereby authorised and required to examine, and report to the ge-
neral assembly, what sum of money, if any, is due to William Amos, senior, of Harford county, on account
of expences incurred by him in superintending the execution of a commission which issued in behalf of the
state, at the instance of the late intendant, to settle the lines of a tract of land, lying in Harford county,
called The Grove, whereby the state has been very materially benefitted.
Whereas it is represented, by the petition of Jesse Jarrett, of Harford county, that the late intendant of the
revenue, in a sale of land made to him, included a tract of land called Norfolk, containing three hundred and
seventy acres, before sold to a certain Robert Mooberry, which land has been recovered from the said Jesse
Jarrett, after he obtained a patent for the same, by a decree of the court of appeals: And whereas it is also
represented, by the petition aforesaid, that both the said Jesse Jarrett and the said Robert Mooberry, or his
assignee, have paid the state for the same, at the rate of four shillings current money, per acre, with interest
thereon, and that the said Jesse Jarrett, by a decree of the chancellor, founded on a decree of the court of
appeals, has been compelled, and has conveyed to David West, of Harford county, the assignee of the said
Robert Mooberry, the aforesaid tract called Norfolk, which was comprehended within the purchase made by
said Jarrett of the intendant of the revenue, and for which land he the said Jarrett hath paid the state at the
rate of four shillings per acre, with interest thereon; therefore, RESOLVED, That the chancellor, on the ap-
plication of the said Jesse Jarrett, be and he is hereby authorised to examine into the truth of the above alle-
gations, and. if in. his opinion the said Jarrett is entitled to a return of the purchase money aforesaid, or in-
terest, or to any part thereof, and shall so decree, then and in that case the state shall pay to him the
said purchase money, or such part thereof, with interest, if any be allowed, as on a consideration of the
opinion of the court of appeals, and of all other circumstances, shall appear to the chancellor reasonable and;
AND RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the said Jarrett such sum or sums of money,
if any, as shall be decreed to be paid by the chancellor to the said Jesse Jarrett, and agreeably to, and in con-
formity with, the directions of such decree.