provide for the government thereof and to define its
powers; to provide for the appointment of a Treasurer,
Clerk, and such other officers as may be necessary to
carry on and manage said government; to provide for
the construction, maintenance, and repairs of streets,
highways, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters within its
boundaries; to provide for the issuance of evidences of
indebtedness on the credit of the Town for the purpose
of such construction, and to levy taxes and special
assessments for the payment of same; to provide for
the levying and collection of taxes on property for the
payment of the cost of operation and regulation of said
Town and for such other purposes as may be herein put-
lined; to provide for the issuance of licenses to do busi-
ness within the boundaries of said Town; to provide for
qualification and registration of voters and the qualifica-
tion and election of officers of said municipal corpora-
tion; to appoint councilmen to carry on the affairs of
government until an election; to compromise and settle
claims against the municipal corporation; to borrow
money on the credit of the corporation within limits
herein defined, and to levy taxes to repay the same; to
enact such ordinances as may be necessary to provide
for the government and to promote public health, safety,
welfare and good order in said town, and to provide for
a levy of fines and penalties for the violation of said
ordinances, and to enforce their collection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the citizens residing and/or owning real property
within the area as herein defined, in Prince George's
County, are hereby made a body corporate, by the name
and style of the "City of Carrollton", and by that name
shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, have
and use a common seal, execute contracts, purchase and
hold real, personal and mixed property for municipal pur-
poses, sell and dispose of same for the benefit of said Town,
and be vested with the power of eminent domain to con-
demn and convert property to the public use of the Town
for the purposes of widening or constructing streets, wid-
ening or constructing sidewalks, for the establishment of
public parks and playgrounds, for the establishment of
public parking grounds, for the construction of drainage
projects, and for the construction of any public street,
alley, or way, in the manner and procedure as is, or shall
be provided by the laws of this State for State and County